Vicky & Leo

Saturday June 26th, 2021

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Saturday June 26th, 2021

With gratitude and thanks to God and our families, we invite you to share in our joy as we are united in marriage

Our Love Story

The Story of our love and the Wedding

When Leo Cheung Met Vicky Lin
That day changed everything
  1. First met
    April 2014
  2. First Dating
    May 2014
  3. Together since
    May 2015
  4. We engaged
    May 2020
Happy ending we will get married
Counting the days...

Wedding Events

Ceremony - Banquet

14:00 - 15:00

Heritage Baptist Church
Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
Get directions

17:00 - 22:00

Cinderella Ballroom
Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Get directions


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